new RenderDebugTiles()
Contains functions for rendering debug tiles on the map. These are used for debugging map data tiles.
static window.RenderDebugTiles#create(id, bounds)
Creates a new debug tile with the specified ID and bounds.
Name Type Description id
string The ID of the debug tile.
L.LatLngBounds The geographical bounds of the tile.
static window.RenderDebugTiles#reset()
Resets the debug tiles by clearing all layers, rectangles and clear times.
static window.RenderDebugTiles#runClearPass()
Executes a pass to clear debug tiles that have exceeded their fade time. This function adjusts the opacity of the tiles and removes them if necessary.
static window.RenderDebugTiles#setColour(id, bordercol, fillcol)
Sets the color of the border and fill for a specific debug tile.
Name Type Description id
string The ID of the debug tile.
string The color for the border.
string The color for the fill.
static window.RenderDebugTiles#setState(id, state)
Sets the state of a specific debug tile. Changes its color based on the state.
Name Type Description id
string The ID of the debug tile.
string The state of the tile (e.g., 'ok', 'error', 'requested').
static window.RenderDebugTiles#startTimer(waitTime)
Starts a timer to run the clear pass function after a specified wait time.
Name Type Description waitTime
number The wait time in milliseconds before running the clear pass.