static window.ACCESS_INDICATOR_COLOR :string
What colour should the hacking range circle be (the small circle that appears around a selected portal, marking a ~40 metre radius), string(css colour value), default ‘orange’
static window.CHAT_REQUEST_SCROLL_TOP :number
Controls requesting chat data based on the pixel distance from the line currently in view and the top of history, in pixels, default 200
static window.CHAT_SHRINKED :number
Controls height of chat when chat is collapsed, in pixels, default 60
static window.COLOR_SELECTED_PORTAL :string
What colour should the selected portal be, string(css hex code), default ‘#f0f’ (hot pink)
static window.COLORS :Array.<string>
Defines the color values associated with different teams, used in various elements such as portals, player names, etc. The colors are represented in a CSS hex code format. The array format represents: [none, res, enl, mac].
static window.COLORS_LVL :Array.<string>
Colour values for levels, consistent with Ingress, with index 0 being white for neutral portals.
static window.COLORS_MOD :object
Colour values for displaying mods, consistent with Ingress. Very Rare also used for AXA shields and Ultra Links.
Name Type Default Description VERY_RARE
string #b08cff RARE
string #73a8ff COMMON
string #8cffbf -
static window.DEFAULT_PORTAL_IMG :string
URL of the default image for the portal
static window.DEFAULT_ZOOM :number
Used when zoom level is not specified explicitly (must contain all the portals)
How much space to leave for scrollbars, in pixels, default 20.
static window.MAX_IDLE_TIME :number
The maximum idle time in seconds before the map stops updating, in seconds, default 15*60 (15 mins)
static window.MIN_ZOOM :number
Min zoom for intel map - should match that used by stock intel, default 3
static window.MINIMUM_OVERRIDE_REFRESH :number
Limit on refresh time since previous refresh, limiting repeated move refresh rate, in seconds, default 10
static window.NOMINATIM :string
URL to call the Nominatim geocoder service, string.
static window.ON_MOVE_REFRESH :number
Wait this long before refreshing the view after the map has been moved, in seconds, default 2.5
static window.RANGE_INDICATOR_COLOR :string
What colour should the linkable range circle be, string(css colour value), default ‘red’
static window.REFRESH :number
Controls how often the map should refresh, in seconds, default 30.
static window.REFRESH_GAME_SCORE :number
Controls how long to wait between refreshing the global score, in seconds, default 15*60 (15 mins)
static window.SIDEBAR_WIDTH :number
How wide should the sidebar be, in pixels, default 300.
static window.ZOOM_LEVEL_ADJ :number
Controls the extra refresh delay per zoom level, in seconds, default 5.