
This file contains the code related to creating and updating portal markers on the map.


inner createMarker(latlng, data) → {L.PortalMarker}

Creates a new portal marker on the map.

Name Type Description
latlng L.LatLng

The latitude and longitude where the marker will be placed.

data Object

The IITC-specific entity data to be stored in the marker options.

L.PortalMarker -

A Leaflet circle marker representing the portal.

inner getMarkerStyleOptions(details) → {Object}

Determines the style options for a portal marker based on its details.

Name Type Description
details Object

Details of the portal, including team and level.

Object -

Style options for the portal marker.

inner portalMarkerScale() → {number}

Calculates the scale of portal markers based on the current zoom level of the map.

number -

The scale factor for portal markers.

inner setMarkerStyle(marker, selected)

Sets the style of a portal marker, including options for when the portal is selected.

Name Type Description
marker L.PortalMarker

The portal marker whose style will be set.

selected boolean

Indicates if the portal is selected.