/* global log -- eslint */
* @file Contains functions for calculating map data request parameters and converting between lat/lng and map tiles.
* Ingress Intel splits up requests for map data (portals, links, fields) into tiles.
* To get data for the current viewport (i.e. what is currently visible) it first calculates which tiles intersect.
* For all those tiles, it then calculates the lat/lng bounds of that tile and a quadkey.
* Both the bounds and the quadkey are “somewhat” required to get complete data.
* Conversion functions courtesy of
* [wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames)
* @module map_data_calc_tools
* Sets up the data tile parameters used for map data requests. This function initializes the TILE_PARAMS
* global object with default values or values detected from the stock Intel map.
* @function setupDataTileParams
window.setupDataTileParams = function () {
// default values - used to fall back to if we can't detect those used in stock intel
var DEFAULT_ZOOM_TO_TILES_PER_EDGE = [1, 1, 1, 40, 40, 80, 80, 320, 1000, 2000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 16000, 32000];
var DEFAULT_ZOOM_TO_LEVEL = [8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1];
// stock intel doesn't have this array (they use a switch statement instead), but this is far neater
var DEFAULT_ZOOM_TO_LINK_LENGTH = [200000, 200000, 200000, 200000, 200000, 60000, 60000, 10000, 5000, 2500, 2500, 800, 300, 0, 0];
window.TILE_PARAMS = {};
// not in stock to detect - we'll have to assume the above values...
if (window.niantic_params.ZOOM_TO_LEVEL && window.niantic_params.TILES_PER_EDGE) {
window.TILE_PARAMS.ZOOM_TO_LEVEL = window.niantic_params.ZOOM_TO_LEVEL;
window.TILE_PARAMS.TILES_PER_EDGE = window.niantic_params.TILES_PER_EDGE;
// lazy numerical array comparison
if (JSON.stringify(window.niantic_params.ZOOM_TO_LEVEL) !== JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_ZOOM_TO_LEVEL)) {
log.warn('Tile parameter ZOOM_TO_LEVEL have changed in stock intel. Detected correct values, but code should be updated');
if (JSON.stringify(window.niantic_params.TILES_PER_EDGE) !== JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_ZOOM_TO_TILES_PER_EDGE)) {
log.warn('Tile parameter TILES_PER_EDGE have changed in stock intel. Detected correct values, but code should be updated');
} else {
title: 'IITC Warning',
'<p>IITC failed to detect the ZOOM_TO_LEVEL and/or TILES_PER_EDGE settings from the stock intel site.</p>' +
"<p>IITC is now using fallback default values. However, if detection has failed it's likely the values have changed." +
' IITC may not load the map if these default values are wrong.</p>',
// 2015-07-01: niantic added code to the stock site that overrides the min zoom level for unclaimed portals to 15 and above
// instead of updating the zoom-to-level array. makes no sense really....
// we'll just chop off the array at that point, so the code defaults to level 0 (unclaimed) everywhere...
window.TILE_PARAMS.ZOOM_TO_LEVEL = window.TILE_PARAMS.ZOOM_TO_LEVEL.slice(0, 15); // deprecated
* Gets the map zoom tile parameters for a specific zoom level. It calculates the tile level, number of tiles per edge,
* minimum link length, and whether portals are available at the specified zoom level.
* @function getMapZoomTileParameters
* @param {number} zoom - The map zoom level.
* @returns {Object} An object containing tile parameters for the given zoom level.
window.getMapZoomTileParameters = function (zoom) {
var maxTilesPerEdge = window.TILE_PARAMS.TILES_PER_EDGE[window.TILE_PARAMS.TILES_PER_EDGE.length - 1];
return {
level: window.TILE_PARAMS.ZOOM_TO_LEVEL[zoom] || 0, // deprecated
tilesPerEdge: window.TILE_PARAMS.TILES_PER_EDGE[zoom] || maxTilesPerEdge,
minLinkLength: window.TILE_PARAMS.ZOOM_TO_LINK_LENGTH[zoom] || 0,
hasPortals: zoom >= window.TILE_PARAMS.ZOOM_TO_LINK_LENGTH.length, // no portals returned at all when link length limits things
zoom: zoom, // include the zoom level, for reference
window.getDataZoomTileParameters = function (zoom) {
zoom = arguments.length ? zoom : window.map.getZoom();
var dataZoom = window.getDataZoomForMapZoom(zoom);
return window.getMapZoomTileParameters(dataZoom);
* Determines the data zoom level for a given map zoom level. This function adjusts the zoom level for
* data requests based on various factors to optimize caching performance and server load.
* @function getDataZoomForMapZoom
* @param {number} zoom - The current map zoom level.
* @returns {number} The adjusted zoom level for data requests.
window.getDataZoomForMapZoom = function (zoom) {
// we can fetch data at a zoom level different to the map zoom.
// NOTE: the specifics of this are tightly coupled with the above ZOOM_TO_LEVEL and TILES_PER_EDGE arrays
// firstly, some of IITCs zoom levels, depending on base map layer, can be higher than stock. limit zoom level
// (stock site max zoom may vary depending on google maps detail in the area - 20 or 21 max is common)
if (zoom > 21) {
zoom = 21;
// to improve the cacheing performance, we try and limit the number of zoom levels we retrieve data for
// to avoid impacting server load, we keep ourselves restricted to a zoom level with the sane number
// of tilesPerEdge and portal levels visible
var origTileParams = window.getMapZoomTileParameters(zoom);
while (zoom > window.MIN_ZOOM) {
var newTileParams = window.getMapZoomTileParameters(zoom - 1);
if (
newTileParams.tilesPerEdge !== origTileParams.tilesPerEdge ||
newTileParams.hasPortals !== origTileParams.hasPortals ||
newTileParams.level * newTileParams.hasPortals !== origTileParams.level * origTileParams.hasPortals // multiply by 'hasPortals' bool - so comparison does not matter when no portals available
) {
// switching to zoom-1 would result in a different detail level - so we abort changing things
} else {
// changing to zoom = zoom-1 results in identical tile parameters - so we can safely step back
// with no increase in either server load or number of requests
zoom = zoom - 1;
return zoom;
window.lngToTile = function (lng, params) {
return Math.floor(((lng + 180) / 360) * params.tilesPerEdge);
window.latToTile = function (lat, params) {
return Math.floor(((1 - Math.log(Math.tan((lat * Math.PI) / 180) + 1 / Math.cos((lat * Math.PI) / 180)) / Math.PI) / 2) * params.tilesPerEdge);
window.tileToLng = function (x, params) {
return (x / params.tilesPerEdge) * 360 - 180;
window.tileToLat = function (y, params) {
var n = Math.PI - (2 * Math.PI * y) / params.tilesPerEdge;
return (180 / Math.PI) * Math.atan(0.5 * (Math.exp(n) - Math.exp(-n)));
window.pointToTileId = function (params, x, y) {
// change to quadkey construction
// as of 2014-05-06: zoom_x_y_minlvl_maxlvl_maxhealth
return params.zoom + '_' + x + '_' + y + '_' + params.level + '_8_100';