/* global L, log -- eslint */
* Class for managing map data requests from the Ingress servers, caching the data, and passing it to the renderer.
* @class MapDataRequest
window.MapDataRequest = function () {
this.cache = new window.DataCache();
this.render = new window.Render();
this.debugTiles = new window.RenderDebugTiles();
this.activeRequestCount = 0;
this.requestedTiles = {};
this.renderQueue = [];
this.renderQueueTimer = undefined;
this.renderQueuePaused = false;
this.idle = false;
// no more than this many requests in parallel. stock site seems to rely on browser limits (6, usually), sending
// many requests at once.
// using our own queue limit ensures that other requests (e.g. chat, portal details) don't get delayed
this.MAX_REQUESTS = 5;
// this many tiles in one request
// number of times to retry a tile after an error (including "error: TIMEOUT" now - as stock intel does)
// TODO? different retry counters for TIMEOUT vs other errors..?
// refresh timers
this.MOVE_REFRESH = 3; // time, after a map move (pan/zoom) before starting the refresh processing
this.STARTUP_REFRESH = 3; // refresh time used on first load of IITC
this.IDLE_RESUME_REFRESH = 5; // refresh time used after resuming from idle
// after one of the above, there's an additional delay between preparing the refresh (clearing out of bounds,
// processing cache, etc) and actually sending the first network requests
this.DOWNLOAD_DELAY = 1; // delay after preparing the data download before tile requests are sent
// a short delay between one request finishing and the queue being run for the next request.
// delay before processing the queue after failed requests
this.BAD_REQUEST_RUN_QUEUE_DELAY = 5; // longer delay before doing anything after errors (other than TIMEOUT)
// delay before processing the queue after empty responses
this.EMPTY_RESPONSE_RUN_QUEUE_DELAY = 5; // also long delay - empty responses are likely due to some server issues
// delay before processing the queue after error==TIMEOUT requests. this is 'expected', so minimal extra delay over the regular RUN_QUEUE_DELAY
// render queue
// number of items to process in each render pass. there are pros and cons to smaller and larger values
// (however, if using leaflet canvas rendering, it makes sense to push as much as possible through every time)
this.RENDER_BATCH_SIZE = window.map.options.preferCanvas ? 1e9 : 1500;
// delay before repeating the render loop. this gives a better chance for user interaction
this.RENDER_PAUSE = window.isApp ? 0.2 : 0.1; // 200ms mobile, 100ms desktop
this.REFRESH_CLOSE = 300; // refresh time to use for close views z>12 when not idle and not moving
this.REFRESH_FAR = 900; // refresh time for far views z <= 12
this.FETCH_TO_REFRESH_FACTOR = 2; // minimum refresh time is based on the time to complete a data fetch, times this value
// ensure we have some initial map status
this.setStatus('startup', undefined, -1);
* Starts the data request process, setting up hooks and callbacks.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.start = function () {
var savedContext = this;
// setup idle resume function
window.addResumeFunction(function () {
// and map move start/end callbacks
window.map.on('movestart', this.mapMoveStart, this);
window.map.on('moveend', this.mapMoveEnd, this);
// then set a timeout to start the first refresh
this.setStatus('refreshing', undefined, -1);
* Callback for map movement start. Pauses the rendering and data requests.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.mapMoveStart = function () {
log.log('refresh map movestart');
* Handles map movement end. Determines whether new data needs to be fetched based on map bounds and zoom level.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.mapMoveEnd = function () {
var bounds = window.clampLatLngBounds(window.map.getBounds());
if (this.fetchedDataParams) {
// we have fetched (or are fetching) data...
if (this.fetchedDataParams.mapZoom === window.map.getZoom() && this.fetchedDataParams.bounds.contains(bounds)) {
// ... and the zoom level is the same and the current bounds is inside the fetched bounds
// so, no need to fetch data. if there's time left, restore the original timeout
var remainingTime = (this.timerExpectedTimeoutTime - new Date().getTime()) / 1000;
if (remainingTime > this.MOVE_REFRESH) {
this.setStatus('done', 'Map moved, but no data updates needed');
this.setStatus('refreshing', undefined, -1);
* Resumes data fetching and rendering after being idle.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.idleResume = function () {
// if we have no timer set and there are no active requests, refresh has gone idle and the timer needs restarting
if (this.idle) {
log.log('refresh map idle resume');
this.idle = false;
this.setStatus('idle restart', undefined, -1);
* Clears the current data refresh timeout.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.clearTimeout = function () {
if (this.timer) {
log.log('cancelling existing map refresh timer');
this.timer = undefined;
* Sets a timeout to refresh the map data.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
* @param {number} seconds - Time in seconds to wait before refreshing the map data.
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.refreshOnTimeout = function (seconds) {
log.log('starting map refresh in ' + seconds + ' seconds');
// 'this' won't be right inside the callback, so save it
// also, double setTimeout used to ensure the delay occurs after any browser-related rendering/updating/etc
var _this = this;
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
_this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
_this.timer = undefined;
}, seconds * 1000);
}, 0);
this.timerExpectedTimeoutTime = new Date().getTime() + seconds * 1000;
* Sets the current status of the map data request, including a short description, long description, and progress.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
* @param {string} short - Short description of the current status.
* @param {string} [long] - Long description of the current status.
* @param {number} [progress] - Progress indicator, typically represented as a percentage.
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.setStatus = function (short, long, progress) {
this.status = { short: short, long: long, progress: progress };
* Gets the current status of the map data request, including short description, long description, and progress.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
* @returns {Object} An object containing the current status of the map data request.
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.getStatus = function () {
return this.status;
* Initiates the map data refresh process. This includes resetting necessary properties,
* preparing requests for map data, and handling cached data.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.refresh = function () {
// if we're idle, don't refresh
if (window.isIdle()) {
log.log('suspending map refresh - is idle');
this.idle = true;
// time the refresh cycle
this.refreshStartTime = new Date().getTime();
// a 'set' to keep track of hard failures for tiles
this.tileErrorCount = {};
// the 'set' of requested tile QKs
// NOTE: javascript does not guarantee any order to properties of an object. however, in all major implementations
// properties retain the order they are added in. IITC uses this to control the tile fetch order. if browsers change
// then fetch order isn't optimal, but it won't break things.
this.queuedTiles = {};
var bounds = window.clampLatLngBounds(window.map.getBounds());
var mapZoom = window.map.getZoom();
var dataZoom = window.getDataZoomForMapZoom(mapZoom);
var tileParams = window.getMapZoomTileParameters(dataZoom);
// DEBUG: resize the bounds so we only retrieve some data
// bounds = bounds.pad(-0.4);
// var debugrect = L.rectangle(bounds,{color: 'red', fill: false, weight: 4, opacity: 0.8}).addTo(map);
// setTimeout (function(){ map.removeLayer(debugrect); }, 10*1000);
var x1 = window.lngToTile(bounds.getWest(), tileParams);
var x2 = window.lngToTile(bounds.getEast(), tileParams);
var y1 = window.latToTile(bounds.getNorth(), tileParams);
var y2 = window.latToTile(bounds.getSouth(), tileParams);
// calculate the full bounds for the data - including the part of the tiles off the screen edge
var dataBounds = L.latLngBounds([
[window.tileToLat(y2 + 1, tileParams), window.tileToLng(x1, tileParams)],
[window.tileToLat(y1, tileParams), window.tileToLng(x2 + 1, tileParams)],
// var debugrect2 = L.rectangle(dataBounds,{color: 'magenta', fill: false, weight: 4, opacity: 0.8}).addTo(map);
// setTimeout (function(){ map.removeLayer(debugrect2); }, 10*1000);
// store the parameters used for fetching the data. used to prevent unneeded refreshes after move/zoom
this.fetchedDataParams = { bounds: dataBounds, mapZoom: mapZoom, dataZoom: dataZoom };
window.runHooks('mapDataRefreshStart', { bounds: bounds, mapZoom: mapZoom, dataZoom: dataZoom, minPortalLevel: tileParams.level, tileBounds: dataBounds });
window.runHooks('mapDataEntityInject', { callback: this.render.processGameEntities.bind(this.render) });
var logMessage = 'requesting data tiles at zoom ' + dataZoom;
logMessage += ' (L' + tileParams.level + '+ portals';
logMessage += ', ' + tileParams.tilesPerEdge + ' tiles per global edge), map zoom is ' + mapZoom;
this.cachedTileCount = 0;
this.requestedTileCount = 0;
this.successTileCount = 0;
this.failedTileCount = 0;
this.staleTileCount = 0;
var tilesToFetchDistance = {};
// map center point - for fetching center tiles first
var mapCenterPoint = window.map.project(window.map.getCenter(), mapZoom);
// y goes from left to right
for (var y = y1; y <= y2; y++) {
// x goes from bottom to top(?)
for (var x = x1; x <= x2; x++) {
var tile_id = window.pointToTileId(tileParams, x, y);
var latNorth = window.tileToLat(y, tileParams);
var latSouth = window.tileToLat(y + 1, tileParams);
var lngWest = window.tileToLng(x, tileParams);
var lngEast = window.tileToLng(x + 1, tileParams);
this.debugTiles.create(tile_id, [
[latSouth, lngWest],
[latNorth, lngEast],
if (this.cache && this.cache.isFresh(tile_id)) {
// data is fresh in the cache - just render it
this.pushRenderQueue(tile_id, this.cache.get(tile_id), 'cache-fresh');
this.cachedTileCount += 1;
} else {
// no fresh data
// tile needed. calculate the distance from the centre of the screen, to optimise the load order
var latCenter = (latNorth + latSouth) / 2;
var lngCenter = (lngEast + lngWest) / 2;
var tileLatLng = L.latLng(latCenter, lngCenter);
var tilePoint = window.map.project(tileLatLng, mapZoom);
var delta = mapCenterPoint.subtract(tilePoint);
var distanceSquared = delta.x * delta.x + delta.y * delta.y;
tilesToFetchDistance[tile_id] = distanceSquared;
this.requestedTileCount += 1;
// re-order the tile list by distance from the centre of the screen. this should load more relevant data first
var tilesToFetch = Object.keys(tilesToFetchDistance);
tilesToFetch.sort(function (a, b) {
return tilesToFetchDistance[a] - tilesToFetchDistance[b];
for (var i in tilesToFetch) {
var qk = tilesToFetch[i];
this.queuedTiles[qk] = qk;
this.setStatus('loading', undefined, -1);
// technically a request hasn't actually finished - however, displayed portal data has been refreshed
// so as far as plugins are concerned, it should be treated as a finished request
window.runHooks('requestFinished', { success: true });
log.log('done request preparation (cleared out-of-bounds and invalid for zoom, and rendered cached data)');
if (Object.keys(this.queuedTiles).length > 0) {
// queued requests - don't start processing the download queue immediately - start it after a short delay
} else {
// all data was from the cache, nothing queued - run the queue 'immediately' so it handles the end request processing
* Delays the processing of the request queue for fetching map data tiles. The delay is specified in seconds.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
* @param {number} seconds - The delay in seconds before starting to process the request queue.
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.delayProcessRequestQueue = function (seconds) {
if (this.timer === undefined) {
var _this = this;
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
_this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
_this.timer = undefined;
}, seconds * 1000);
}, 0);
* Processes the request queue for fetching map data tiles. Manages the number of simultaneous tile requests,
* tile error handling, and updates the request status.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.processRequestQueue = function () {
// if nothing left in the queue, finish
if (Object.keys(this.queuedTiles).length === 0) {
// we leave the renderQueue code to handle ending the render pass now
// (but we need to make sure it's not left without it's timer running!)
if (!this.renderQueuePaused) {
// create a list of tiles that aren't requested over the network
var pendingTiles = [];
for (const id in this.queuedTiles) {
if (!(id in this.requestedTiles)) {
// log.log('- request state: '+Object.keys(this.requestedTiles).length+' tiles in '+this.activeRequestCount+' active requests, '+pendingTiles.length+' tiles queued');
var requestBuckets = this.MAX_REQUESTS - this.activeRequestCount;
if (pendingTiles.length > 0 && requestBuckets > 0) {
var requestBucketSize = Math.min(this.NUM_TILES_PER_REQUEST, Math.max(5, Math.ceil(pendingTiles.length / requestBuckets)));
for (var bucket = 0; bucket < requestBuckets; bucket++) {
// if the tiles for this request have had several retries, use smaller requests
// maybe some of the tiles caused all the others to error? no harm anyway, and it may help...
var numTilesThisRequest = Math.min(requestBucketSize, pendingTiles.length);
let id = pendingTiles[0];
var retryTotal = this.tileErrorCount[id] || 0;
for (var i = 1; i < numTilesThisRequest; i++) {
id = pendingTiles[i];
retryTotal += this.tileErrorCount[id] || 0;
if (retryTotal > this.MAX_TILE_RETRIES) {
numTilesThisRequest = i;
var tiles = pendingTiles.splice(0, numTilesThisRequest);
if (tiles.length > 0) {
// update status
var pendingTileCount = this.requestedTileCount - (this.successTileCount + this.failedTileCount + this.staleTileCount);
var longText =
`Tiles: ${this.cachedTileCount} cached, ` +
`${this.successTileCount} loaded, ` +
(this.staleTileCount ? this.staleTileCount + ' stale, ' : '') +
(this.failedTileCount ? this.failedTileCount + ' failed, ' : '') +
`${pendingTileCount} remaining`;
const progress = this.requestedTileCount > 0 ? (this.requestedTileCount - pendingTileCount) / this.requestedTileCount : undefined;
this.setStatus('loading', longText, progress);
* Sends requests for a group of tiles to the server.
* Updates the debugTiles state and manages the count of active requests.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
* @param {Array} tiles - An array of tile identifiers to request.
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.sendTileRequest = function (tiles) {
var tilesList = [];
for (var i in tiles) {
var id = tiles[i];
this.debugTiles.setState(id, 'requested');
this.requestedTiles[id] = true;
if (id in this.queuedTiles) {
} else {
log.warn('no queue entry for tile id ' + id);
var data = { tileKeys: tilesList };
this.activeRequestCount += 1;
var savedThis = this;
// NOTE: don't add the request with window.request.add, as we don't want the abort handling to apply to map data any more
function (data) {
savedThis.handleResponse(data, tiles, true);
}, // request successful callback
function () {
savedThis.handleResponse(undefined, tiles, false);
} // request failed callback
* Re-queues a tile for data fetching in case of an error or timeouts.
* Handles retry limits and uses stale data if available.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
* @param {string} id - The tile identifier.
* @param {boolean} error - Flag indicating whether the tile fetch encountered an error.
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.requeueTile = function (id, error) {
if (id in this.queuedTiles) {
// tile is currently wanted...
// first, see if the error can be ignored due to retry counts
if (error) {
this.tileErrorCount[id] = (this.tileErrorCount[id] || 0) + 1;
if (this.tileErrorCount[id] <= this.MAX_TILE_RETRIES) {
// retry limit low enough - clear the error flag
error = false;
if (error) {
// if error is still true, retry limit hit. use stale data from cache if available
var data = this.cache ? this.cache.get(id) : undefined;
if (data) {
// we have cached data - use it, even though it's stale
this.pushRenderQueue(id, data, 'cache-stale');
this.staleTileCount += 1;
} else {
// no cached data
this.debugTiles.setState(id, 'error');
this.failedTileCount += 1;
// and delete from the pending requests...
delete this.queuedTiles[id];
} else {
// if false, was a 'timeout' or we're retrying, so unlimited retries (as the stock site does)
this.debugTiles.setState(id, 'retrying');
// FIXME? it's nice to move retried tiles to the end of the request queue. however, we don't actually have a
// proper queue, just an object with guid as properties. Javascript standards don't guarantee the order of properties
// within an object. however, all current browsers do keep property order, and new properties are added at the end.
// therefore, delete and re-add the requeued tile and it will be added to the end of the queue
delete this.queuedTiles[id];
this.queuedTiles[id] = id;
} // else the tile wasn't currently wanted (an old non-cancelled request) - ignore
* Handles the response from the server for tile data requests.
* Processes success and error cases, manages retries for failed tiles, and updates the render queue with new data.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
* @param {Object} data - The response data from the server.
* @param {Array} tiles - The array of requested tile identifiers.
* @param {boolean} success - Flag indicating if the request was successful.
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.handleResponse = function (data, tiles, success) {
this.activeRequestCount -= 1;
var successTiles = [];
var errorTiles = [];
var retryTiles = [];
var timeoutTiles = [];
var unaccountedTiles = tiles.slice(0); // Clone
if (!success || !data || !data.result) {
log.warn('Request.handleResponse: request failed - requeuing...' + (data && data.error ? ' error: ' + data.error : ''));
// request failed - requeue all the tiles(?)
if (data && data.error && data.error === 'RETRY') {
// the server can sometimes ask us to retry a request. this is botguard related, I believe
for (const i in tiles) {
const id = tiles[i];
this.debugTiles.setState(id, 'retrying');
window.runHooks('requestFinished', { success: false });
} else {
for (const i in tiles) {
const id = tiles[i];
this.debugTiles.setState(id, 'request-fail');
window.runHooks('requestFinished', { success: false });
unaccountedTiles = [];
} else {
// TODO: use result.minLevelOfDetail ??? stock site doesn't use it yet...
var m = data.result.map;
for (var id in m) {
var val = m[id];
unaccountedTiles.splice(unaccountedTiles.indexOf(id), 1);
if ('error' in val) {
// server returned an error for this individual data tile
if (val.error === 'TIMEOUT') {
// TIMEOUT errors for individual tiles are quite common. used to be unlimited retries, but not any more
} else {
log.warn('map data tile ' + id + ' failed: error==' + val.error);
this.debugTiles.setState(id, 'tile-fail');
} else {
// no error for this data tile - process it
// store the result in the cache
this.cache?.store(id, val);
// if this tile was in the render list, render it
// (requests aren't aborted when new requests are started, so it's entirely possible we don't want to render it!)
if (id in this.queuedTiles) {
this.pushRenderQueue(id, val, 'ok');
delete this.queuedTiles[id];
this.successTileCount += 1;
} // else we don't want this tile (from an old non-cancelled request) - ignore
window.runHooks('requestFinished', { success: true });
// set the queue delay based on any errors or timeouts
// NOTE: retryTimes are retried at the regular delay - no longer wait as for error/timeout cases
let nextQueueDelay;
if (errorTiles.length > 0) {
nextQueueDelay = this.BAD_REQUEST_RUN_QUEUE_DELAY;
} else if (unaccountedTiles.length > 0) {
} else if (timeoutTiles.length > 0) {
} else {
nextQueueDelay = this.RUN_QUEUE_DELAY;
var statusMsg = 'getEntities status: ' + tiles.length + ' tiles: ';
statusMsg += successTiles.length + ' successful';
if (retryTiles.length) statusMsg += ', ' + retryTiles.length + ' retried';
if (timeoutTiles.length) statusMsg += ', ' + timeoutTiles.length + ' timed out';
if (errorTiles.length) statusMsg += ', ' + errorTiles.length + ' failed';
if (unaccountedTiles.length) statusMsg += ', ' + unaccountedTiles.length + ' unaccounted';
statusMsg += '. delay ' + nextQueueDelay + ' seconds';
// requeue any 'timeout' tiles immediately
if (timeoutTiles.length > 0) {
for (const i in timeoutTiles) {
const id = timeoutTiles[i];
delete this.requestedTiles[id];
this.requeueTile(id, true);
if (retryTiles.length > 0) {
for (const i in retryTiles) {
const id = retryTiles[i];
delete this.requestedTiles[id];
this.requeueTile(id, false); // tiles from a error==RETRY request are requeued without counting it as an error
if (errorTiles.length > 0) {
for (const i in errorTiles) {
const id = errorTiles[i];
delete this.requestedTiles[id];
this.requeueTile(id, true);
if (unaccountedTiles.length > 0) {
for (const i in unaccountedTiles) {
const id = unaccountedTiles[i];
delete this.requestedTiles[id];
this.requeueTile(id, true);
for (const i in successTiles) {
const id = successTiles[i];
delete this.requestedTiles[id];
* Resets the render queue, clearing existing queued render tasks and stopping any active timer.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.resetRenderQueue = function () {
this.renderQueue = [];
if (this.renderQueueTimer) {
this.renderQueueTimer = undefined;
this.renderQueuePaused = false;
* Pushes a tile to the render queue for processing. The queue is processed to render entities on the map.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
* @param {string} id - The identifier of the tile.
* @param {Object} data - Data associated with the tile, including game entity GUIDs and entities.
* @param {string} status - The status of the tile, such as 'render-queue'.
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.pushRenderQueue = function (id, data, status) {
this.debugTiles.setState(id, 'render-queue');
id: id,
// the data in the render queue is modified as we go, so we need to copy the values of the arrays. just storing the reference would modify the data in the cache!
deleted: (data.deletedGameEntityGuids || []).slice(0),
entities: (data.gameEntities || []).slice(0),
status: status,
if (!this.renderQueuePaused) {
* Starts a timer to process the render queue after a specified delay.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
* @param {number} delay - The delay in seconds before processing the render queue.
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.startQueueTimer = function (delay) {
if (this.renderQueueTimer === undefined) {
var _this = this;
this.renderQueueTimer = setTimeout(function () {
_this.renderQueueTimer = setTimeout(
function () {
_this.renderQueueTimer = undefined;
(delay || 0) * 1000
}, 0);
* Pauses or resumes the render queue processing. When paused, the queue timer is cleared.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
* @param {boolean} pause - Flag indicating whether to pause (true) or resume (false) the render queue processing.
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.pauseRenderQueue = function (pause) {
this.renderQueuePaused = pause;
if (pause) {
if (this.renderQueueTimer) {
this.renderQueueTimer = undefined;
} else {
if (this.renderQueue.length > 0) {
* Processes the render queue, rendering entities on the map.
* This function handles both the rendering of new entities and the deletion of old ones.
* It ensures that the quantity of entities processed per cycle does not exceed a set limit.
* @function
* @memberof MapDataRequest
window.MapDataRequest.prototype.processRenderQueue = function () {
var drawEntityLimit = this.RENDER_BATCH_SIZE;
// TODO: we don't take account of how many of the entities are actually new/removed - they
// could already be drawn and not changed. will see how it works like this...
while (drawEntityLimit > 0 && this.renderQueue.length > 0) {
var current = this.renderQueue[0];
if (current.deleted.length > 0) {
var deleteThisPass = current.deleted.splice(0, drawEntityLimit);
drawEntityLimit -= deleteThisPass.length;
if (drawEntityLimit > 0 && current.entities.length > 0) {
var drawThisPass = current.entities.splice(0, drawEntityLimit);
drawEntityLimit -= drawThisPass.length;
this.render.processGameEntities(drawThisPass, 'extended');
if (current.deleted.length === 0 && current.entities.length === 0) {
this.renderQueue.splice(0, 1);
this.debugTiles.setState(current.id, current.status);
if (this.renderQueue.length > 0) {
} else if (Object.keys(this.queuedTiles).length === 0) {
var endTime = new Date().getTime();
var duration = (endTime - this.refreshStartTime) / 1000;
log.log('finished requesting data! (took ' + duration + ' seconds to complete)');
window.runHooks('mapDataRefreshEnd', {});
var longStatus =
`Tiles: ${this.cachedTileCount} cached, ` +
`${this.successTileCount} loaded, ` +
(this.staleTileCount ? this.staleTileCount + ' stale, ' : '') +
(this.failedTileCount ? this.failedTileCount + ' failed, ' : '') +
`in ${duration} seconds`;
// refresh timer based on time to run this pass, with a minimum of REFRESH seconds
var minRefresh = window.map.getZoom() > 12 ? this.REFRESH_CLOSE : this.REFRESH_FAR;
var refreshTimer = Math.max(minRefresh, duration * this.FETCH_TO_REFRESH_FACTOR);
this.setStatus(this.failedTileCount ? 'errors' : this.staleTileCount ? 'out of date' : 'done', longStatus);