* @file Provides functionality to handle portal details, including caching and server requests.
* @namespace window.portalDetail
var cache;
var requestQueue = {};
window.portalDetail = function () {};
* Sets up the portal detail handler, initializing the cache.
* @function window.portalDetail.setup
window.portalDetail.setup = function () {
cache = new window.DataCache();
* Retrieves portal details from cache by GUID.
* @function window.portalDetail.get
* @param {string} guid - The Global Unique Identifier of the portal.
* @returns Cached portal details if available.
window.portalDetail.get = function (guid) {
return cache.get(guid);
* Stores portal details in the cache.
* @function window.portalDetail.store
* @param {string} guid - The Global Unique Identifier of the portal.
* @param {object} dict - The portal detail data.
* @param {number} freshtime - Optional freshness time for cache.
* @returns Result of cache storage operation.
window.portalDetail.store = function (guid, dict, freshtime) {
return cache.store(guid, dict, freshtime);
* Checks if portal details are fresh in the cache.
* @function window.portalDetail.isFresh
* @param {string} guid - The Global Unique Identifier of the portal.
* @returns {boolean} True if details are fresh, false otherwise.
window.portalDetail.isFresh = function (guid) {
return cache.isFresh(guid);
window.portalDetail.remove = function (guid) {
return cache.remove(guid);
var handleResponse = function (deferred, guid, data, success) {
if (!data || data.error || !data.result) {
success = false;
if (success) {
// Parse portal details
var dict = window.decodeArray.portal(data.result, 'detailed');
cache.store(guid, dict);
// entity format, as used in map data
var ent = [guid, data.result[13], data.result];
var portal = window.mapDataRequest.render.createPortalEntity(ent, 'detailed');
// Update cache with from current map
cache.store(guid, portal.options.data);
window.runHooks('portalDetailLoaded', { guid: guid, success: success, details: portal.options.data, ent: ent, portal: portal });
} else {
if (data && data.error === 'RETRY') {
// server asked us to try again
doRequest(deferred, guid);
} else {
window.runHooks('portalDetailLoaded', { guid: guid, success: success });
var doRequest = function (deferred, guid) {
{ guid: guid },
function (data) {
handleResponse(deferred, guid, data, true);
function () {
handleResponse(deferred, guid, undefined, false);
* Requests detailed information for a specific portal. If the information is not already being requested,
* it initiates a new request. Returns a promise that resolves with the portal details.
* @function window.portalDetail.request
* @param {string} guid - The Global Unique Identifier of the portal.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves with the portal details upon successful retrieval or rejection on failure.
window.portalDetail.request = function (guid) {
if (!requestQueue[guid]) {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
requestQueue[guid] = deferred.promise();
deferred.always(function () {
delete requestQueue[guid];
doRequest(deferred, guid);
return requestQueue[guid];