/* global L -- eslint */

 * @file Hand any of these functions the details-hash of a portal, and they
 * will return pretty, displayable HTML or parts thereof.
 * @module portal_detail_display_tools

 * Provides historical details about a portal including visitation, capture, and scout control status.
 * @function getPortalHistoryDetails
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing the history properties.
 * @returns {string} HTML string representing the historical details of the portal.
window.getPortalHistoryDetails = function (d) {
  if (!d.history) {
    return '<div id="historydetails" class="missing">History missing</div>';
  var classParts = {};
  ['visited', 'captured', 'scoutControlled'].forEach(function (k) {
    classParts[k] = d.history[k] ? 'class="completed"' : '';

  return L.Util.template(
    '<div id="historydetails">History: ' +
      '<span id="visited" {visited}>visited</span> | ' +
      '<span id="captured" {captured}>captured</span> | ' +
      '<span id="scout-controlled" {scoutControlled}>scout controlled</span>' +

 * Returns displayable text and link about portal range including base range, link amp boost, and total range.
 * @function getRangeText
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing range information.
 * @returns {Array} An array containing the range label, HTML content, and a tooltip title.
window.getRangeText = function (d) {
  var range = window.getPortalRange(d);

  var title = `Base range:\t${window.digits(Math.floor(range.base))}m\nLink amp boost:\t×${range.boost}\nRange:\t${window.digits(Math.floor(range.range))}m`;

  if (!range.isLinkable) title += '\nPortal is missing resonators,\nno new links can be made';

  return [
    '<a onclick="window.rangeLinkClick()"' +
      (range.isLinkable ? '' : ' style="text-decoration:line-through;"') +
      '>' +
      window.formatDistance(range.range) +

 * Given portal details, returns HTML code to display mod details.
 * @function getModDetails
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing mod information.
 * @returns {string} HTML string representing the mod details of the portal.
window.getModDetails = function (d) {
  var mods = [];
  var modsTitle = [];
  var modsColor = [];
  $.each(d.mods, function (ind, mod) {
    var modName = '';
    var modTooltip = '';
    var modColor = '#000';

    if (mod) {
      // all mods seem to follow the same pattern for the data structure
      // but let's try and make this robust enough to handle possible future differences

      modName = mod.name || '(unknown mod)';

      if (mod.rarity) {
        modName = mod.rarity.capitalize().replace(/_/g, ' ') + ' ' + modName;

      modTooltip = modName + '\n';
      if (mod.owner) {
        modTooltip += 'Installed by: ' + mod.owner + '\n';

      if (mod.stats) {
        modTooltip += 'Stats:';
        for (var key in mod.stats) {
          if (!Object.hasOwn(mod.stats, key)) continue;
          var val = mod.stats[key];

          // if (key === 'REMOVAL_STICKINESS' && val == 0) continue;  // stat on all mods recently - unknown meaning, not displayed in stock client

          // special formatting for known mod stats, where the display of the raw value is less useful
          if (key === 'HACK_SPEED')
            val = val / 10000 + '%'; // 500000 = 50%
          else if (key === 'HIT_BONUS')
            val = val / 10000 + '%'; // 300000 = 30%
          else if (key === 'ATTACK_FREQUENCY')
            val = val / 1000 + 'x'; // 2000 = 2x
          else if (key === 'FORCE_AMPLIFIER')
            val = val / 1000 + 'x'; // 2000 = 2x
          else if (key === 'LINK_RANGE_MULTIPLIER')
            val = val / 1000 + 'x'; // 2000 = 2x
          else if (key === 'LINK_DEFENSE_BOOST')
            val = val / 1000 + 'x'; // 1500 = 1.5x
          else if (key === 'REMOVAL_STICKINESS' && val > 100) val = val / 10000 + '%'; // an educated guess
          // else display unmodified. correct for shield mitigation and multihack - unknown for future/other mods

          modTooltip += '\n+' + val + ' ' + key.capitalize().replace(/_/g, ' ');

      if (mod.rarity) {
        modColor = window.COLORS_MOD[mod.rarity];
      } else {
        modColor = '#fff';


  var t = '';
  for (let i = 0; i < mods.length; i++) {
    t += '<span' + (modsTitle[i].length ? ' title="' + modsTitle[i] + '"' : '') + ' style="color:' + modsColor[i] + '">' + mods[i] + '</span>';
  // and add blank entries if we have less than 4 mods (as the server no longer returns all mod slots, but just the filled ones)
  for (let i = mods.length; i < 4; i++) {
    t += '<span style="color:#000"></span>';

  return t;

 * Generates text representing the current and total energy of a portal.
 * @function getEnergyText
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing energy information.
 * @returns {Array} An array containing the energy label, formatted energy values, and a tooltip title.
window.getEnergyText = function (d) {
  var currentNrg = window.getCurrentPortalEnergy(d);
  var totalNrg = window.getTotalPortalEnergy(d);
  var title = currentNrg + ' / ' + totalNrg;
  var fill = window.prettyEnergy(currentNrg) + ' / ' + window.prettyEnergy(totalNrg);
  return ['energy', fill, title];

 * Generates HTML details for resonators deployed on a portal.
 * @function getResonatorDetails
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing resonator information.
 * @returns {string} HTML string representing the resonator details of the portal.
window.getResonatorDetails = function (d) {
  var resoDetails = [];
  // octant=slot: 0=E, 1=NE, 2=N, 3=NW, 4=W, 5=SW, 6=S, SE=7
  // resos in the display should be ordered like this:
  //   N    NE         Since the view is displayed in rows, they
  //  NW    E          need to be ordered like this: N NE NW E W SE SW S
  //   W    SE         i.e. 2 1 3 0 4 7 5 6
  //  SW    S
  // note: as of 2014-05-23 update, this is not true for portals with empty slots!

  var processResonatorSlot = function (reso, slot) {
    var lvl = 0,
      nrg = 0,
      owner = null;

    if (reso) {
      lvl = parseInt(reso.level);
      nrg = parseInt(reso.energy);
      owner = reso.owner;

    resoDetails.push(window.renderResonatorDetails(slot, lvl, nrg, owner));

  // if all 8 resonators are deployed, we know which is in which slot

  if (d.resonators.length === 8) {
    // fully deployed - we can make assumptions about deployment slots
    $.each([2, 1, 3, 0, 4, 7, 5, 6], function (ind, slot) {
      processResonatorSlot(d.resonators[slot], slot);
  } else {
    // partially deployed portal - we can no longer find out which resonator is in which slot
    for (var ind = 0; ind < 8; ind++) {
      processResonatorSlot(ind < d.resonators.length ? d.resonators[ind] : null, null);

  return '<table id="resodetails">' + window.genFourColumnTable(resoDetails) + '</table>';

 * Helper function that renders the HTML for a given resonator.
 * @function renderResonatorDetails
 * @param {number} slot - The slot number where the resonator is deployed. Starts with 0 (east) and rotates clockwise.
 *                        So, last one is 7 (southeast).
 * @param {number} level - The level of the resonator.
 * @param {number} nrg - The energy of the resonator.
 * @param {string|null} nick - The nickname of the owner of the resonator, or null if not applicable.
 * @returns {Array} An array containing the HTML content of the resonator and the owner's nickname.
window.renderResonatorDetails = function (slot, level, nrg, nick) {
  const className = window.OCTANTS[slot] === 'N' ? 'meter north' : 'meter';

  var max = window.RESO_NRG[level];
  var fillGrade = level > 0 ? (nrg / max) * 100 : 0;

  var inf =
    (level > 0 ? 'energy:\t' + nrg + ' / ' + max + ' (' + Math.round(fillGrade) + '%)\n' + 'level:\t' + level + '\n' + 'owner:\t' + nick + '\n' : '') +
    (slot !== null ? 'octant:\t' + window.OCTANTS[slot] + ' ' + window.OCTANTS_ARROW[slot] : '');

  var style = fillGrade ? 'width:' + fillGrade + '%; background:' + window.COLORS_LVL[level] + ';' : '';

  var color = level < 3 ? '#9900FF' : '#FFFFFF';

  var lbar = level > 0 ? '<span class="meter-level" style="color: ' + color + ';"> L ' + level + ' </span>' : '';

  var fill = '<span style="' + style + '"></span>';

  var meter = '<span class="' + className + '" title="' + inf + '">' + fill + lbar + '</span>';

  nick = nick ? '<span class="nickname">' + nick + '</span>' : null;
  return [meter, nick || ''];

 * Calculates the AP gain from destroying and then capturing a portal by deploying resonators.
 * @function getAttackApGainText
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing portal information.
 * @param {number} fieldCount - The number of fields linked to the portal.
 * @param {number} linkCount - The number of links connected to the portal.
 * @returns {Array} An array containing the label 'AP Gain', total AP gain, and a breakdown tooltip.
window.getAttackApGainText = function (d, fieldCount, linkCount) {
  var breakdown = window.getAttackApGain(d, fieldCount, linkCount);
  var totalGain = breakdown.enemyAp;

  var t = '';
  if (window.teamStringToId(window.PLAYER.team) === window.teamStringToId(d.team)) {
    totalGain = breakdown.friendlyAp;
    t += 'Friendly AP:\t' + breakdown.friendlyAp + '\n';
    t += '  Deploy ' + breakdown.deployCount + ', ';
    t += 'Upgrade ' + breakdown.upgradeCount + '\n';
    t += '\n';
  t += 'Enemy AP:\t' + breakdown.enemyAp + '\n';
  t += '  Destroy AP:\t' + breakdown.destroyAp + '\n';
  t += '  Capture AP:\t' + breakdown.captureAp + '\n';

  return ['AP Gain', window.digits(totalGain), t];

 * Provides details about the hack count and cooldown time of a portal.
 * @function getHackDetailsText
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing hack information.
 * @returns {Array} An array containing the label 'hacks', short hack info, and a detailed tooltip.
window.getHackDetailsText = function (d) {
  var hackDetails = window.getPortalHackDetails(d);

  var shortHackInfo = hackDetails.hacks + ' @ ' + window.formatInterval(hackDetails.cooldown);

  var title =
    `Hacks available every 4 hours\n` +
    `Hack count:\t${hackDetails.hacks}\n` +
    `Cooldown time:\t${window.formatInterval(hackDetails.cooldown)}\n` +
    `Burnout time:\t${window.formatInterval(hackDetails.burnout)}`;

  return ['hacks', shortHackInfo, title];

 * Generates text representing the total mitigation provided by shields and links on a portal.
 * @function getMitigationText
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing mitigation information.
 * @param {number} linkCount - The number of links connected to the portal.
 * @returns {Array} An array containing the label 'shielding', short mitigation info, and a detailed tooltip.
window.getMitigationText = function (d, linkCount) {
  var mitigationDetails = window.getPortalMitigationDetails(d, linkCount);

  var mitigationShort = mitigationDetails.total;
  if (mitigationDetails.excess) mitigationShort += ' (+' + mitigationDetails.excess + ')';

  var title =
    `Total shielding:\t${mitigationDetails.shields + mitigationDetails.links}\n` +
    `- active:\t${mitigationDetails.total}\n` +
    `- excess:\t${mitigationDetails.excess}\n` +
    `From\n` +
    `- shields:\t${mitigationDetails.shields}\n` +
    `- links:\t${mitigationDetails.links} (${mitigationDetails.linkDefenseBoost}x)`;

  return ['shielding', mitigationShort, title];

 * Displays a dialog with links to show the specified location on various map services.
 * @function showPortalPosLinks
 * @param {number} lat - Latitude of the location.
 * @param {number} lng - Longitude of the location.
 * @param {string} name - Name of the location.
window.showPortalPosLinks = function (lat, lng, name) {
  var encoded_name = encodeURIComponent(name);
  var qrcode = '<div id="qrcode"></div>';
  var script = "<script>$('#qrcode').qrcode({text:'GEO:" + lat + ',' + lng + "'});</script>";
  var gmaps = '<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps?ll=' + lat + ',' + lng + '&q=' + lat + ',' + lng + '%20(' + encoded_name + ')">Google Maps</a>';
  var bingmaps =
    '<a href="https://www.bing.com/maps/?v=2&cp=' + lat + '~' + lng + '&lvl=16&sp=Point.' + lat + '_' + lng + '_' + encoded_name + '___">Bing Maps</a>';
  var osm = '<a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=' + lat + '&mlon=' + lng + '&zoom=16">OpenStreetMap</a>';
  var latLng = '<span>' + lat + ',' + lng + '</span>';
    html: '<div style="text-align: center;">' + qrcode + script + gmaps + '; ' + bingmaps + '; ' + osm + '<br />' + latLng + '</div>',
    title: name,
    id: 'poslinks',